Alguém consegue ajudar este geocacher?

My name is Duane Bolin, and my Geocaching username is Odyssey Posse. Here is a link to my Geocaching profile: ... e7f4ed9836
I am writing to ask if you would help me obtain a personal waymark based upon my username. Here is a link to the Waymarking category called "Where's In A Name?": ... f&exp=True
That page explains what it is I am trying to do.
My username (Odyssey Posse) converts numerically to the following North latitude line: N 40 17.397. What I need someone in Portugal to do is the following:
Take a photo of your GPSr (with the coords clearly visible) at ANY coord. (choice is yours) that intersects with N 40 17.397. For example, it could be taken at the intersection of N 40 17.397 and ANY longitude. A photo of the surrounding area would be great as well! Then, just email me the photos with any details you want to share about the area.
If this sounds like something you could help me with, let me know! Thanks for your help!
Duane Bolin
Odyssey Posse
Uma vez que isto situa-se perto da EC 460 Million Year Old Bookshop alguém que vá para esses lados pode dar uma ajudinha?
Texto daqui
I am writing to ask if you would help me obtain a personal waymark based upon my username. Here is a link to the Waymarking category called "Where's In A Name?": ... f&exp=True
That page explains what it is I am trying to do.
My username (Odyssey Posse) converts numerically to the following North latitude line: N 40 17.397. What I need someone in Portugal to do is the following:
Take a photo of your GPSr (with the coords clearly visible) at ANY coord. (choice is yours) that intersects with N 40 17.397. For example, it could be taken at the intersection of N 40 17.397 and ANY longitude. A photo of the surrounding area would be great as well! Then, just email me the photos with any details you want to share about the area.
If this sounds like something you could help me with, let me know! Thanks for your help!
Duane Bolin
Odyssey Posse
Uma vez que isto situa-se perto da EC 460 Million Year Old Bookshop alguém que vá para esses lados pode dar uma ajudinha?
Texto daqui